Preston ICS In-Line 360 Beads

Preston ICS In-Line 360 Beads
Preston ICS In-Line 360 Beads
Preston ICS In-Line 360 Beads
Preston ICS In-Line 360 Beads
Preston ICS In-Line 360 Beads
Preston ICS In-Line 360 Beads
Preston ICS In-Line 360 Beads
Preston ICS In-Line 360 Beads
3,39 €

Unabhängige Bewertung von echten Käufern

Auf Lager
Modell: P0030037
Bestellnummer: PT230502018
(inklusive MwSt. 19%)


Preston ICS In-Line 360 Beads

  • Bietet vollen 360-Grad-Bewegungsradius für den Hakenköder
  • Passt direkt in den ICS Stem
  • Die Beads sind unabhängig und frei vom Stem beweglich, das sorgt für absoulte Sicherheit der Montage
  • Hergestellt aus starken, robusten Materialien
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Preston ICS In-Line 360 Fishing Beads The heart of any successful angling venture lies in the nuanced choice of your tackle and its ability to function seamlessly in different situations. It's here that the Preston ICS In-Line 360 Fishing Beads truly come into their own. Specifically designed to offer the full 360-degree range of movement for your hookbait, these beads provide the fluidity that helps imitate natural bait movement, thereby dramatically increasing the chances of a catch. With their ability to fit directly into any ICS Stem, they eliminate the need for you to undertake any complicated modifications or drilling. This ease of installation makes it an invaluable addition to your fishing gear. The true marvel of the Preston ICS In-Line 360 Fishing Beads lies in the small, yet impactful design element. The bead is ingeniously engineered to move freely from the stem, crafting a fish-friendly rig that not only looks appealing to your prey but also significantly ups your angling game by creating an enticing setup. What’s more, these beads are not just about dexterity and design. They bring to the table the strength and robustness that Preston is known for. Each bead is meticulously manufactured from durable materials, ensuring they can withstand repeated use, even in the most demanding conditions. Whether you're in the throes of a heart-pounding fight with a formidable catch or just casting for leisure, these beads will stand up to the task. The Preston ICS In-Line 360 Fishing Beads are truly a cut above the rest. They offer a strategic advantage that can transform your fishing experience, providing an elevated level of control, reliability, and effectiveness in your fishing rig. With these beads, your hookbait becomes an incredibly effective tool, moving in ways that not just attract, but convince fish to bite. And when it comes to versatility, these beads don’t disappoint. They’re suited to various angling situations, whether you’re a river angler hunting for roach, a match angler aiming for a winning carp, or a pleasure angler seeking that satisfying bream. No matter the scenario, the Preston ICS In-Line 360 Fishing Beads adapt, adding a winning edge to your angling rig. Dimensions-wise, these beads are compact yet sturdy, integrating smoothly into your existing tackle without adding unnecessary weight or bulk. Despite their small footprint, the impact they can have on your success rate is monumental. The Preston ICS In-Line 360 Fishing Beads truly epitomise the ideal balance between movement and stability. They allow for a presentation that's lifelike and enticing, all while being rugged enough to cope with the rigours of angling. Whether you're a seasoned angler or a beginner, these beads are certain to become a staple in your tackle box, contributing to a more rewarding and successful fishing experience.

Preston ICS In-Line 360 Beads

Speziell entwickelt, um dem Hakenköder einen vollen 360-Grad-Bewegungsradius zu bieten, sorgen diese Perlen für die Fluidität, die die natürliche Beute imitiert und so die Fangchancen erheblich erhöht.

Dank ihrer Fähigkeit, direkt in jeden ICS Stem zu passen, entfällt die Notwendigkeit für komplizierte Modifikationen oder Bohrungen. Diese einfache Installation macht sie zu einer wertvollen Ergänzung für Ihr Angelzubehör. Die Perle ist so konstruiert, um sich frei vom Stem zu bewegen, was ein fischfreundliches Vorfach schafft, das für Ihre Beute ansprechend aussieht.

Jede Perle wird aus strapazierfähigen Materialien gefertigt und garantiert so eine lange Lebensdauer, selbst unter den anspruchsvollsten Bedingungen. Sie sind für verschiedene Angelsituationen geeignet, egal ob Sie ein Flussangler sind, der nach Rotaugen sucht, ein Wettkampfangler, der auf den Sieg aus ist, oder ein Freizeitangler, der einen zufriedenen Brassen fangen möchte.

Weitere Informationen
Manufacturer Product ID P0030037


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