Advanta ST Bootsrute

Advanta ST Bootsrute
Advanta ST Bootsrute
Advanta ST Bootsrute
Advanta ST Bootsrute
Advanta ST Bootsrute
Advanta ST Bootsrute
Advanta ST Bootsrute
Advanta ST Bootsrute
Advanta ST Bootsrute
Advanta ST Bootsrute
52,99 €
Auf Lager
Bestellnummer: PGPID23081504
(inklusive MwSt. 19%)
Artikel für gruppiertes Produkt
Modell Artikel Preis & Warenbestand Menge
AD1356 Länge: 7ft5, Wurfgewicht: 20-30lb, Teile: 2
52,99 €
2 auf Vorrat lieferbar
AD1357 Länge: 7ft9, Wurfgewicht: 12-20lb, Teile: 2
52,99 €
5+ auf Vorrat lieferbar


Key Features

  • Integrated Solid Tip Blank construction
  • Long tip short butt design
  • Fibreglass Clear Tip for durability and bite detection
  • Laser etched EVA Foregrip
  • Ceramic lined guides
  • Screw lock reel seat
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The Advanta ST Boat Rod range have been built using a blank construction that sees two materials perfectly blended to offer the ultimate fishing rod for anglers who fish for a variety of saltwater species such as pollack, bass and cod while boat fishing. The Advanta ST (solid tip) boat rods feature a fibreglass tip section that is seamlessly blended into the main part of the blank to offer durability at the tip section and unparalleled bite detection. The sea fishing rods feature a short butt and long tip section make up meaning they can handle large fish due to the power in the butt of the rod with ease and absorb even the most savage runs and headshakes without pulling hooks out thanks to the long tip section. The Handle of these Advanta boat rods feature a laser etched foregrip and screw lock reel seat to ensure your fishing reel is securely fastened to the sea rod. The Advanta ST boat rods feature ceramic lined guides that are suitable for both monofilament and braided fishing lines. This range of boat rods consists of 2 models which are both 7ft 5 inch in length and with a rating of 12-20lb and 20-30lb. The 12-20lb class rod is a perfect rod for smaller species such as Bream, flatties and Bass when using lighter lines and more finesse to temp a bite while the 20-30lb class rod is better suited to larger fish such as pollack and cod.


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Rücksendungen von Waren & Erstattungen Jede inkorrekte oder beschädigte Ware muss innerhalb von 5 Tagen nach Erhalt gemeldet werden. Diese werden dann, so bald wie möglich, kostenfrei ersetzt. Alle unerwünschten Waren müssen entweder auf eigene Kosten zurückgeschickt oder in Ihren lokalen Angling Direct-Shop gebracht werden. Beschwerden
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