Advanta Pro Peak 1 Man Camo Bivvy / Angelzelt

Advanta Pro Peak 1 Man Camo Bivvy / Angelzelt
Advanta Pro Peak 1 Man Camo Bivvy / Angelzelt
Advanta Pro Peak 1 Man Camo Bivvy / Angelzelt
Advanta Pro Peak 1 Man Camo Bivvy / Angelzelt
Advanta Pro Peak 1 Man Camo Bivvy / Angelzelt
Advanta Pro Peak 1 Man Camo Bivvy / Angelzelt
Advanta Pro Peak 1 Man Camo Bivvy / Angelzelt
Advanta Pro Peak 1 Man Camo Bivvy / Angelzelt
Advanta Pro Peak 1 Man Camo Bivvy / Angelzelt
Advanta Pro Peak 1 Man Camo Bivvy / Angelzelt
Advanta Pro Peak 1 Man Camo Bivvy / Angelzelt
Advanta Pro Peak 1 Man Camo Bivvy / Angelzelt
Advanta Pro Peak 1 Man Camo Bivvy / Angelzelt
280,79 €
Auf Lager
Nur noch 4 verfügbar
Modell: AD1110
Bestellnummer: AD230216006
(inklusive MwSt. 19%)


Advanta Pro Peak 1 Man Camo Angelzelt

  • Super-schneller Aufbau-Biwak
  • Aluminiumblock und -stangen
  • Material mit einer hydrostatischen Wassersäule von 10000 mm
  • Vollständiges Blackout-Material im 4-Schicht-Prozess
  • Vollständiger schwerer Reißverschluss im Zeltboden
  • Mit Dampfschild, Sturmstangen und Heringen geliefert
  • Skull Cap und Überwurf separat erhältlich
  • Größe B280 x T220 x H150 cm
  • Gewicht mit Zeltboden und Frontpanel = 12 kg
  • Gewicht ohne Zeltboden und Frontpanel = 8,0 kg
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Advanta Pro Peak 1 Bivvy Camo, Advanta Pro Peak 1 Bivvy Camo has been developed to create a super high-quality design and feature packed system that will appeal to anglers who expect the very best from their fishing gear. The material used in the bivvy uses a full blackout technology eliminating light ingress through the material to cool the bivvy down even in the brightest and hottest conditions compared to standard fabrics. This feature is achieved by a 4-layer laminate process that is an applied during the manufacturing process. The material has two main functions apart from keeping you dry, anglers who fish in summertime and experience higher temperatures and strong sunlight will benefit greatly from this new material, the material can help to cool the bivvy by eliminating any light from penetrating the bivvy, in turn cooling the bivvy down which also helps with sleep and keeps the bivvy dark even when the sun has risen. The super-fast setup time of the Advanta Pro peak bivvy is achieved by the main block that houses the poles, this is what makes this bivvy so easy to erect, simply connect the poles and open it out, the bivvy can be set up in less than 2 minutes. The Pro Peak also features a handy front peak tension bar than gives the bivvy an incredibly ridged frame once in place, this not only helps to strengthen the bivvy but also eliminates any pooling of water on top of the peak due to its angled shape. The Advanta Pro peak bivvy also features rain gutters fitted to the peak along the edge to guide any water away down the sides even in the heaviest of downpours. At 280cm wide and 220cm deep the Advanta Pro peak can accommodate even the largest of widebody and 8 leg style sleep systems with ease and has been designed with a very flat back allowing bed chairs to be pushed to the back of the shelter offering increased room at the front. The Pro peak bivvy has also been made a little taller than some of the other bivvies on the market at 150cm, meaning easy entry and exit and more internal space. The Advanta Pro Peak also features two large mesh windows/ air vents at the rear to allow for air circulation, these can be zipped down when raining and will remain open at the base by using the separator at the base of the window, meaning fresh air can flow even when the window is zipped down during bad weather. Additional extras are available separately - skull cap and overwrap are also made from the same material to further enhance the properties of the material. A Front panel comes supplied with a full zip in front panel that has a door and two mesh windows fitted. The panel features an oversized zip to make the job of fitting the panel quick and easy. The door and both windows are fitted with a mesh screen for those hot nights or when you want full view of the swim without the mozzies. The zip in front panel also features heavy duty peg D rings to ensure it can be pegged down easily and securely. A Heavy-Duty Zip in Groundsheet comes supplied with a full-sized zip in ground sheet made from heavy duty PVC material. The groundsheet zips inside the base of the bivvy easily and quickly via the oversized zip. The benefit of the zip in ground sheet is that is creates a small lip around the base of the sheet meaning water cannot come inside the bivvy even during the heaviest of rainstorms. It also stops any bugs and insects entering the bivvy when it’s zipped up.

Advanta Pro Peak 1 Man Camo Angelzelt

Das Advanta Pro Peak 1 Bivvy Camo - das ultimative Angelzelt für anspruchsvolle Angler.

Mit seinem superschnellen Aufbau ist dieses Advanta Angelzelt ein Traum für jeden, der Wert auf eine mühelose Einrichtung am Wasser legt. Dank des Aluminiumblocks und  -stangen sowie des intelligenten Designs können Sie das Angelzelt in weniger als 2 Minuten aufstellen und sich sofort ans Wasser begeben, ohne wertvolle Angelzeit zu verlieren.

Das Herzstück dieses Angelzeltes ist das innovative Material mit einer hydrostatischen Wassersäule von 10000 mm. Durch eine spezielle 4-Schicht-Technologie wird Licht vollständig blockiert, was selbst an den heißesten Tagen für angenehme Temperaturen im Inneren sorgt. So bleiben Sie nicht nur trocken, sondern auch kühl und entspannt, selbst wenn die Sonne hoch am Himmel steht.

Dank des Voll-Blackout-Materials genießen Sie auch nach Sonnenaufgang eine angenehm dunkle Umgebung für erholsamen Schlaf, während die großzügigen Mesh-Fenster des Angelzeltes für eine optimale Belüftung sorgen und lästige Insekten fernhalten.

Die Robustheit dieses Advanta Angelzeltes wird durch die mitgelieferte schwere Bodenplane und das Frontpanel mit Tür und Mesh-Fenstern unterstrichen. Mit einem Gewicht von nur 12 kg inklusive Bodenplane und Frontpanel ist das Advanta Pro Peak 1 Bivvy Camo auch für den Transport leicht und handlich.

Mit einer Breite von 280 cm und einer Höhe von 150 cm bietet dieses Angelzelt ausreichend Platz für Ihre Angelliege und Sleep Systems, während die flache Rückseite dir zusätzlichen Raum im Inneren verschafft.

Weitere Informationen
Manufacturer Product ID AD1110


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